許氏金參嬌養蘊膏以宋代《參膠補血湯》為基礎,嚴選道地威斯康辛州花旗參,溫補不燥,除花旗參萃取外,其中特別含稀有人參皂苷CK (Compound K),加乘千年補血經典—道地山東東阿阿膠,以及多味藥食同源草本,再結合數智化合煎工藝,由內到外的漢方溫養,參味濃郁回甘、補氣養陰、潤而不燥、舒心補血,一勺一沖,方便飲用,讓您每天元氣滿滿、潤出真容顏。
產品成分: 花旗參萃取、阿膠 、佛手、龍眼、玉竹、丹鳳牡丹花
產品淨重: 120克 (12克 x 10勺)
使用方式: 成人一天一勺
“This product cannot be sold to any resident of California per California Penal Code § 598d. This statute prohibits the sale of horsemeat or related equine species for human consumption.”
Hsu’s Ginseng Gelatin draws inspiration from an ancient formula dating back to the Song Dynasty. Featuring Wisconsin-grown American Ginseng, complemented by Ejiao (donkey-hide gelatin) sourced from Shandong, and blended with essential herbs extracted using modern techniques. Experience a revitalizing blend of tradition and innovation, offering a harmonious fusion unlike any other.
Nutrition Facts
Ingredients: American ginseng extract, Donkey-hide gelatin, Bergamot, Longan, Polygonatum odoratum and Danfeng Peony Flower
Net Wt. 120g (12g x 10)
Direction: Take one(1) pack daily.
Store at room temperature
Manufactured in China with American Ginseng grown in Wisconsin